Learning Outcome 1

Throughout the course of the semester I have engaged in both local and global revision processes to widen my perspective on editing. I have part taken in local and global revision through in-class writing workshops, free writing, and peer-review exercises. Throughout the development of my writing over the semester, I have found that my writing and editing habits have changed greatly. Through the drafting process I have gained more knowledge about the different methods of editing used to target different areas of revision in my essay. For example, reading my essays out loud to an audience allows me to make structural changes to my writing and catch minor typos that I previously wouldn’t have caught. Peer review exercises have also had a large impact on the shift in my thinking while writing. In one peer review exercise, the reader described the traits of my essay. Through reading their feedback, I was able to think more clearly about the theme that I wanted my essay to portray to my readers and better make those corrections. The local and global revision process has helped me better analyze the consistent mistakes I make in my writing and the different tactics to use in order to overcome those mistakes.

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