Learning outcome 2

Using source evidence in essays can be powerful tool to help drive home the overall thesis of an essay. In my essay, Analyzing Animals in Film, I used many different forms of source evidence to help drive home the overarching theme that animals in literature are viewed differently based off of the reader’s background. When integrating source evidence into a paper it is useful to use a “M.E.A.L Plan’ style to set up a cohesive paper. “M.E.A.L” stands for, main idea, evidence, analysis, and link. I used this style when integrating evidence about contrasting viewpoint of people and their morals about animal protection acts. My main idea leading up to the introduction of my quote was, “Although the horrific scene of the seal hunt is seen as inhumane by many, the fisherman and hunters of the local area have a different perspective” (Anderson 3). This main idea clearly states what theme the following quote will consist of. I then followed this introduction with my evidence, “Local Fisherman, many of them out of work, angry that anyone would consider the welfare of seals above their own”. This evidence is relevant to the main idea making the idea coherent. After giving evidence I followed up with an analysis of the quote. “It is essential to the hunters that the seal industry thrives so that they can support their families. The seals are viewed as a way of survival and profit instead of the common notion that they are beings that should be respected’ (Anderson 3). Giving an analysis gives context and meaning to the readers. Finally, I wrapped up my thoughts with a link back to my essay’s thesis. “The manner in which people see the natural world varies upon personal experiences with nature” (Anderson 3). Through using the “M.E.A.L Plan” structure, I have found that my essays have become more concise and have a more seamless transition among ideas.

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