The revision process is an essential step in reaching a final draft copy. Oftentimes receiving feedback from peers can be a useful tool through the editing process. My critiquing and writing have improved greatly through the peer revision workshops that have taken place in class. Reading my essays out load to an audience, cutting and pasting my essay, and creatively describing my essays have positively impacted my revision skills. Through reading my essays out load to my peers I was able to make grammatical and organizational edits to my essay. I was able to catch typos more easily and hear what sentences flow and which ones don’t. This exercise also allowed me to hear feedback from my audience. Hearing the take a way that my audience had from my essay allowed me to make changes in the tone and overall theme of my essay to fit the writing criteria better. Through hearing my peers’ essays being read aloud it also enabled me to think about writing through a new perspective. I am used to reading essays and making minor corrections as I go along but this exercise allowed me to think deeper about the overarching theme, rhythm, and tone of the essay. Another activity that has strengthened my editing skills was physically cutting and pasting my peers’ essays together. I found this abstract method of editing to be greatly beneficial. I was able to give feedback that would help them to make major structural revisions along with improving the flow and context of the essay. I found this to be one of the most valuable editing techniques as an author as well. When I received my essay after it had been botched back together, I found that the corrections made, turned my essay into a more coherent argument. The critiques made on my essay also caused me to think more deeply about what my audience wants to me to elaborate on and what parts they found to be unnecessary. Finally, I found describing the essay creatively to be very helpful when making revisions to my essays. Through describing what shape the essay was or what type of clothing it would be wearing said a lot about the theme that I was portraying in my writing. I enjoyed the creative aspect of the feedback because it also made me think about how my revisions would change my essay’s shape or clothing. I also found giving this feedback to others to be more engaging and fun. It allowed me to give meaningful feedback to better their writing instead of making minor grammatical changes to the essay. After reflecting on the revision exercises, I have participated in over the course of this semester, I have learned many new techniques and perspectives to apply to my writing and editing skills.